pichufan10's blog

Hello hello hello! I just post random stuff I think about. Everybody can comment!




I have noticed that the older I get, the longer I stay pis.sed off at someone. Technically I forgive them, but I never like them again right now. What happened will take 4-5 months to forgive. If I even decide to forgive it...

I'm NOT an easygoing person. Depending on who you are and what you did decides my mood. If a friend hits me a tiny bit I'll hit them back but won't get mad. But if some rude person hits me on purpose I WILL HATE THEM.

Then there's my levels of hate. 1.) I don't like the thing you did, but that's it. 2.) I'm just gonna silently hate you 3.) YOU %@*&%^#!!!! I &*^@*#&*%@ HATE YOU!!!!!! If you get 3, it's especially hard to get out of. BTW said person made their 3 worse.

Why am I writing this anyway? Without some form of communication to get my feelings out, I'll be pis.sed all week. How dare this person ruin my life! And my birthday's next week! :( I like all the days before (and even a few after) to be happy.

Crap. I started crying. Took a few spins on me chair. My head hurts. My head always hurts.Heard that was a sign of depression. But this has been happening for as long as I can remember. Off topic.

Something is seriously wrong with it! By not knowing what to do something bad happened! It's not like this is the first time. PLUS I WAS THERE. IT WAS ALMOST THE SAME THING! (P.S. If I hate you strong enough I'll refer to you as an "it")

To sum up my feelings for said person...

Kick of Yuiko Kurugaya ~ Little Busters Refrain - YouTube

EDIT: Rin's clerked for the series is her affection for cash...XD

 Pretty sure that's lipstick. XD.