pichufan10's blog

Hello hello hello! I just post random stuff I think about. Everybody can comment!



Don't you just love those animes where the main character is overshadowed by someone else who somehow manages to make the whole show about them? Yeah, I love those too.

What a long question. It's longer than the longest question I've ever written in any essay. Now that I think about it, how many times do I even put questions in an essay? How many times does anybody put questions!!!

Little Busters is like the endless eight except you never knew it was repeating until the end. And most people would actually watch the whole thing.

I~just wasted~7 episodes of your life~.

If you were a banana I'd refuse to eat you and give it to someone else. What? What did you think this was, a pick-up line? Ain't nobody got time for that!

My words just moved as I pushed enter...weird.

I literally forced myself to write this. Thanks a bunch will power.

I have some VERY important news. I'd give you a link or tell you what it is, but I'm kind of scared about that. Just go on deviant art to bunnybunny-chan and you'll see it. You don't even need an account for it!

Gosh I'm such a loser, I can't even get a date. But I don't understand your personality is great!


I'm board.

That was intentional.

Well, bye.