pichufan10's blog

Hello hello hello! I just post random stuff I think about. Everybody can comment!



Quotes are better. :D


I've seen a UFO in real life before. NO JOKE. 100% serious. Just wanted to put that out there. I blame science, television, and my dad. But mostly aliens for being that stupid to show up.

I've had a suspision that scientists just built UFOs themselves. I know too much. Please return me before next Sunday. I have places to be you know.

Ever think of bringing a knife to school? Ever want to call the police on your teacher for child harressment? Ever see a car flipped over on fire? Stuff like this happens to me ALL THE TIME and my face is still this: ._.

I didn't do that stuff for real (except the last one), I've only thought of it. Now that I think about it, I did do all of that.

George Zimmerman case=inoccent of second degree mur.der and manslaughter. There. I just saved you from 3 hours of television.

When I heard of the Zimmerman case I thought they were talking about the Zimmerman note. That was so WW1/WW2.

I blame my English teacher.

You wanna know what's really weird? Shake it Up almost EXACTALLY copied me and my best friend's relationship. Rocky and Cece TOTALLY REFLECTED US.

I need to stop pulling this chair down.

The only thing keeping me from snapping is God. Without God there would have been ma.ss murder.


95% of people feel uncomfortable when the TV volume is an odd number. I just hate odd numbers.

When it comes to me it's a lose lose situation. There are to many things for me to hate you that can you do and so little you do that will make me like you.

1% of the time I cry about something to cry about. 40% of the time I cry about something not to cry about. 59% of the time I cry because some idiot said "HEY LOOK, SHE'S CRYING. :D" 

I realized that I hate things more than like them.

Remember, only you can hate Jake J****h.